Solve Scheduling Conflicts for the Family Meeting Framework

How to Solve Scheduling Conflicts for the Family Meeting Framework

Read on my website / Read time: 4 minutes

I’m a strong believer in running your own Family Meetings. Parents who are interested often tell me the hardest part is getting started. And I agree.

Here is what is proven to work, it only takes a few simple steps and requires communication with the spouse.

1: Commit to Family Meetings

The first step is for both parents to decide to commit. What do I mean by commit? I mean commit to the following.

  • Commit to just having family meetings. “Hey, we are turning this into a thing now.”
  • Then commit to having your first Family Meeting. This means both parents agree to a day and time scheduled for 3 hours.

Once you both agree, schedule your first meeting. For example, my wife and I chose Sunday morning, but due to prior commitments, we scheduled our first Family Meeting three weeks in advance.

2: Protect Scheduled Meeting

Many distractions can derail your commitment. Learn the power of saying “no” to other activities.

  • My wife and I have learned the power of saying no. This has helped ensure we stay on track with our weekly Family Meetings.
  • If an event is unavoidable, we start the meeting early. By prioritizing this time, you ensure the meeting happens, reinforcing its importance.

3: Rescheduling Conflicts

Conflicts will happen. Here are ways to deal with unexpected and avoidable conflicts.

  • If a conflict arises, find an alternative time within the same week. As an example, Sunday mornings work best, but recently, my wife had an event, so we moved the meeting to Saturday morning. Flexibility and commitment are key. Find a three-hour block that works and stick to it.
  • If you miss a week or miss a few weeks it's ok. Like most things in life, exercise, diet, doing laundry if things pile up its time to get back on track. Start to exercise again, start to diet again and start The Family Meetings again!

Final Thoughts

Running a family meeting isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. This Family Meeting Framework is proven to work and it will work for you too. For more guidance, check out my Family Meeting Online Course. For a limited time you can name your own price to purchase. It teaches you the 6 key stages of running a Family Meeting: Preparing, Before, Starting, During, Ending and After The Family Meeting.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you’re committed to making a change, start planning your first Family Meeting today.

Ward regards,


P.S. I'd love to hear what challenges your facing. What can I write about to help you personally?

Reply back to this email and let me know.

Brion Hickey

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Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. The Family Meeting Framework Course: Join other parents in my comprehensive course. The Family Meeting Framework online course teaches you how to run effective family meetings that build strong connections and help your children reach their highest potential.
  2. The Family Meeting Framework Newsletter: Subscribe to my newsletter, The Sunday Pinnacle, each Sunday you get exclusive tips, strategies, and resources to help you run your own family meetings.
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The Family Meeting Framework

I teach concerned parents how to run their own family meetings so their kids can reach their highest potential. And parents can create deep relationships that last a lifetime.

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